Projects and Posts Tagged with 'Pla'
Geared 7-Segment Display - Part 1
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7-segment fusion-360 gears mechanism pla
Over the weekend, I got started on a project I’ve been musing about for a few months – making a mechanical 7-segment display, using gears to move individual segments in and out of the display area via rotation of a central shaft or belt.
3D Printing on Fabric - Dragon Scales
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dragon-scales duplicator-i3 pla props thingiverse
In our upcoming production of Macbeth at work, one of the many spooky ingredients that the Three Witches drop into their wondrous cauldron is "
Designing 3-Way Initial Blocks [Video]
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3d-printing fusion-360 godel-escher-bach pla
In my experiments with Fusion360 recently and casting around for inspiration, I stumbled across my old copy of Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid, which has a curious cover design consisting of two objects that cast shadows of three different letters along three different axes.
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Faceted Lampshade from Clear PLA
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clear duplicator-i3 lampshade pla
I've had a clear, "low poly" angular sculpture in clear PLA sitting on my self for awhile now.
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