Making Your Documentation Interactive with PyScript - PyCon 2024

Published May 16, 2024

Tags: pyscript python talks pycon pycon2024

On May 17, 2024, I had the pleasure of delivering a talk, Make Your Documentation Interactive with PyScript, at PyCon US in Pittsburgh. All of the slides, supporting details, links, repos, and live demos are available here.


Below are the slides presented along with the talk:

Demos and Repos

To keep the sample/demo sites readable, they are each hosted in a separate repository. They are:
  • A generic HTML documentation site, for static hosting - (Repo) (Live Demo)
  • A site built with `mkdocs-pyscript`, on GitHub Pages - (Repo) (Live Demo)
  • A site built with `sphinx-script`, on readthedocs - (Repo) (Live Demo)
  • Links and Resources