
Welcome to the personal website of Jeff Glass, an electronics and software enthusiast and huge nerd.

Professionally, I'm currently an Exhibit Engineer for a major midwest-USA science museum. Prior to that, I worked as a full time lighting, projections, and special effects technician in nonprofit theatre. For more specific professional background, feel free to reach out.

In my spare time, I'm a person of many hobbies. I'm a maintainer on PyScript, the Anaconda-led project for creating rich Python applications in the browser. I'm an electronics and 3D-printing enthusiast, especially as those crafts relate to stage-lighting control. (See, for example, The Demilight Project.) I am an active Ham Radio operator, under the callsign KK9JEF, and I enjoy operating (mostly outdoors as part of Parks on the Air), exploring mapping and propgation data, and building my own radios and antennas.

I document both my professional and personal projects in a few places. Here, obviously, but also on YouTube and occasionally on Twitter.

I also have a very, very good dog.

Python / Pyscript

Coding projects, release notes, and tutorials related to Python, PyScript, and Pyodide


Larger undertakings. Some for fun, some for pay, or both.

Cloud Resume Challenge

How this very site was built, using AWS, Hugo, Docker, and time.

Rich on PyScript

The Rich terminal formatting library, running in the browser with PyScript

The 7 GUIs - Pyscript

Building 7 Foundational WEB GUIs in Python, running directly in the browser via PyScript

More Projects

Blog Posts

Moments in time, works in progress or completed assemblies, on a variety of topics


Small projects, adventures, or findings. Less than deserves a full blog/project post, more than deserves to get lost to Twitter.